Know Your Team – SOC Content

Devika Dinesh – Core

Devika Dinesh is a third year Development Studies undergraduate who survives on a very limited vocabulary which includes definitions of neither development or studies. She recently got over her coffee-addiction only to sink right into unending, depthless cups of tea. The greatest achievement of her life is her self-conferred title of hoarder of books; including those that are read, to-be-read and have-read-so-many-times-it’s-in-tatters. She would most definitely like to start a dagger collection alongside her bookshelves, and any donations to this cause will be remembered forever. Her spirit animal is Mushu and if you don’t know who that is, dishonour on you, your family and your cow.

Yashita Arora – Coordinator

Yashita Arora is a second year Chemical engineering student at IIT Madras who loves to explore everything ranging from Athletics and Chess to Krav Maga and performance poetry. She loves socialising and claims to be in the full possession of her mental faculties, but some might beg to differ. She firmly believes in laughing her problems away, and you’ll almost always find her on energy saving mode, oblivious to her imminent doom, or in other words – the endless deadlines. Apart from writing articles and short poems, she spends her time flitting from one Google meet to the next, always in search of a good story or pinch of gossip.

Yashita Jain – Coordinator

Yashita Jain is a sophomore at the Humanities and Social Sciences department. She is a freelancer in the field of content writing and digital marketing. More than books and movies, you can find her juggling with editorials and articles. In her free time she loves to watch documentaries and dance on the beats of retro Bollywood songs. Be mad or not, but she don’t like fiction and believe in living her life as close to reality as possible. I am surviving these uncertain times with the company of soulful retro songs and every suggestions are welcome.

Yatin Satish – Coordinator

Yatin Satish is in his 2nd year at the Humanities and Social Sciences Department in IIT Madras. He loves reading and writing, and chances are (fortunately or unfortunately) that you’ll find him doing either of the two at any given time of the day.

Yatin also takes a general interest in sports, and loves taking note of random trivia, for he believes (rather philosophically) that being boring is the first step to being interesting – which in itself is an incredibly boring stance.

Prabhat Bedida – Coordinator

Prabhat is a second year Mechanical Engineering student in IIT Madras. He is an avid follower of cricket, snooker and pool. A bit of a boomer in his views of cricket, he believes that test matches are the most exciting form of the game, boundaries must be longer and more bouncers must be allowed (in other words, he is still in the 70s of cricket). He also considers himself to be a good pool player and if the ball doesn’t go in, well, it’s the pocket’s fault, but he does live in the present for pool and snooker.

Sharanya Kannan – Coordinator

Sharanya is a second year undergraduate from the department of humanities and social sciences. She’s an avid reader and enjoys writing blogs. She is also passionate about social causes and has worked with a few NGOs. She is an extrovert with a terrible sense of humour. She’s mentally still a child who’s obsessed with carpets, vacuum cleaners and vacuuming cleaning carpets. Her coping mechanism involves slapping the phrase “this too shall pass” at all gloomy instances of her life. She enjoys the social sciences and finding obscure connections between theories. She despises integral calculus and Sambar. She also happens to be a sucker for ‘who done it’ novels, legal dramas (Harvey Specter stan) and murder mysteries. Lastly, technology and Sharanya don’t go hand in hand because 13 months into the lockdown and she still doesn’t know how to create a zoom meeting.

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